My back story…

I started my nursing life as a 17  and a half year old and straight out of high school. I was bright eyed and bushy tailed, with an enthusiasm that could be described as annoying! I couldn’t wait to get stuck into the work of caring for others.

I was one of the lucky high school graduates who knew without hesitation what I wanted to be ‘when I grew up’. I felt excited and proud that all that study had paid off even though I had barely scraped through with a university entrance score that could be described as ‘meager’. I truly didn’t care as it was enough to allow my entry into a nursing program.

Fast forward to nearly 30 years later. I’m in my mid 40’s and seriously weary of the nursing life, I have lost my nursing mojo and want out from a career that has been overall quite good to me.

I’m motivated to write about my experience as I move away from giving endlessly to others. While searching for others and a space on the web where those who have gone before me, I soon realised that there is a serious lack of discussion posts, blogs or social media pages where this experience is fleshed out by other nurses feeling just like me. There was little Australian content available that explored the personal journey of those who have chosen to leave the nursing life behind. I wanted to reach out to others and connect with their stories so as to unburden myself from the deep disappointment at leaving and soften the outright fear as to what is next, after nursing.

My biggest question is; Who am I, if I am not a nurse ?

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